on the RADAaR™ – January 2013

Competitive Insights, LLC

on the RADAaR™

a convenient resource for current performance management information

latest news

on big data ::
sure, Big Data is great. But so is intuition.

Big Data will “replace ideas, paradigms, organizations and ways of thinking about the world.” Read more here

on supply chain risk ::
from Apple to polka dots, technology can help supply chains react

in recent months, worries over Apple’s future have been reflected in the company’s share price … read more here

on cloud computing ::
cloudy skies ahead: 3 cloud computing predictions for 2013

even Gartner suggests that cloud computing has moved beyond the peak of inflated expectations, with many achieving meaningful success … read more here

on manufacturing ::
survey: suppliers confident, manufacturers concerned about supply chain

while more than 75 percent of suppliers are confident in their ability to meet their customers’ needs in 2013 … read more here

  what CI offers

Competitive Insights is a Software as a Service (SaaS) company that provides detailed and insightful solutions that drive business value through:

CI is committed to helping communities and is actively involved in the following organizations :

  • precise information on how your operating strategies are working by segmented product and customer
  • integration and refinement to business processes to drive the generation and protection of profits
  • analyzing and measuring the impact of possible changes to the future operation

to learn more about CI, visit us here

  join us at these events

Shifting International Trade Routes Seminar: Creating Agile Supply Chain Operating Networks
January 25, 2013 in Tampa, Florida

This session will explore why successful companies in the future will no longer be reevaluating their supply chain structures every 3 to 5 years but in fact every 3 to 5 months in order to successfully manage operating performance in this constantly changing world.

To join CI’s presentation, please visit here

we appreciate your feedback, please respond to our five minute survey here
what’s on your RADAaR? want to stay updated on a topic not listed? email us at insights@ci-advantage.com

Competitive Insights, LLC

4200 Northside Parkway NW, Bldg. 12 • Atlanta, Georgia 30327 • 770.922.4400