on the RADAaR™ – November 2015

Competitive Insights, LLC

on the RADAaR™

a convenient resource for current Integrated Business Planning (IBP) information

addressing barriers to success - technology
there are a variety of reasons that technology can be a handicap when trying to apply analytics to provide meaningful business insights

join us

Enterprise Profit Insights

Integrated Business Planning

Supply Chain Risk Management

upcoming courses at
Georgia Institute of Technology

more information on
Supply Chain & Logistics courses>
Supply Chain Leadership Program>

performance visibility ::
integrated business planning: the missing piece of the puzzle

the point of running a business is to make a profit. So it seems odd that, when companies move to integrate their operations, they so often leave finance out of the picture …

multi-channel fulfillment ::
achieving profitable fulfillment: 5 questions to consider

expectations for the purchasing process have changed dramatically …

complexity reduction ::
wanted: Chief Complexity Reduction Officer

managing complexity has always been part of the leader’s job — be it sorting out the variables involved in strategic decisions, orchestrating the interaction of different functions …

customer buying patterns ::
the big value in big data: seeing customer buying patterns

is Big Data simply a popular catchphrase or the launch of a new era? Overuse doesn’t automatically transform a buzzword into a best business practice…

we appreciate your feedback, please respond to our five minute survey here
what’s on your RADAaR? want to stay updated on a topic not listed? email us at [email protected]

Competitive Insights, LLC

4200 Northside Parkway NW, Bldg. 12 • Atlanta, Georgia 30327 • 770.922.4400