on the RADAaR™ – October 2015

Competitive Insights, LLC

on the RADAaR™

a convenient resource for current Integrated Business Planning (IBP) information

addressing barriers to success – process (Moneyball anyone?)
have you ever heard the following question when trying to solve a business issue? “What is the issue? We have always solved this problem this way!”

join us

Enterprise Profit Insights

Integrated Business Planning

Supply Chain Risk Management

upcoming courses at
Georgia Institute of Technology

more information on
Supply Chain & Logistics courses>
Supply Chain Leadership Program>

performance visibility ::
why do many integrated business planning initiatives fail to live up to expectations?

survey found that financial controls are too often put at the bottom of the priority list across operational functions …

multi-channel fulfillment ::
inventory systems, availability key to serving omnichannel shoppers

for national retail chains that are growing ecommerce as omnichannel businesses, there are three elephants in the room

complexity reduction ::
half of surveyed executives say organizational complexity has cut into their profits

executives are spending an average of 21% of their time managing complexity instead of undertaking more productive tasks…

customer buying patterns ::
big data knows you like losers

… information across millions of consumers and product and thousands of outlets, you enter the realm of big data, which can reveal previously unknown patterns …

we appreciate your feedback, please respond to our five minute survey here
what’s on your RADAaR? want to stay updated on a topic not listed? email us at insights@ci-advantage.com

Competitive Insights, LLC

4200 Northside Parkway NW, Bldg. 12 • Atlanta, Georgia 30327 • 770.922.4400